Company Registration Number in China Or known as the “Unified Social Credit Code” Similar to a national ID number for every company

หมายเลขจดทะเบียนบริษัทจีน(China Registration Number) คืออะไร

Company Registration Number in China Or known as the “Unified Social Credit Code” Similar to a national ID number for every company

The company registration number in China, or the “Unified Social Credit Code” (统一社会信用代码), is a number issued to companies registered in China. It is used to identify the company for business activities and legal purposes. This number contains information about the company’s legal status, type of organization, and other relevant details. Having this number is essential for conducting business legally in China.

Company Registration Number

Business LicenseCompanies and Legal Entities
Organization CodeInstitutions, Foundations, and Non-profit Organizations

Format of Company Registration Numbers

The format of the China Registration Number typically consists of 9-10 digits or 18 digits in some cases. It is structured as follows:
The first 6 digits indicate the administrative division where the company is registered.
The remaining digits indicate the sequence number of the registered company within that administrative division.

Importance of the Company Registration Number 

  1. It serves as the legal entity’s identification number when dealing with government agencies.
  2. It is stated on business licenses, tax documents, and other important business documents.
  3. It is used for opening bank accounts and conducting the company’s financial activities.
  4. It is essential for legally operating a business in China.

Business License

 Business License contains the basic information that a Chinese company should disclose to the public, including the following 9 items:

  1. Company Name – Chinese companies do not have legal English names.
  2. Existence Status  – Whether the company currently exists or not based on the time period.
  3. China Company Registration Number or Unified Social Credit Code
  4. Registration Number
  5. Legal Representative The person authorized to conduct transactions on behalf of the company, and who will be liable for the company’s violations under certain circumstances.
  6. Registration Authority
  7. Establishment Date
  8. Business License Information
  9. Company Type The organizational form of the business entity.
  10. Registered Capital The amount of funds contributed by shareholders to the company.
  11. Address The registered business address of the company, practically excluding factories.
  12. Approval Date
  13. Registration Status
  14. Scope

How to Verify a Chinese Company Registration Number – CTD 101 Series

Every legally registered Chinese company will have a business license issued by the Chinese company registration authority, which is the marketing regulatory body. If a company cannot provide a business license, it indicates that it is not a legally registered company.

Since the websites are in Chinese, you need to enter the legal Chinese name of the Chinese company in the search box, then click “Search”. See image below: Verify from the Chinese government website responsible for business registration, such as:

  1. 1.Verify from the Chinese government website responsible for business registration, such as:
  • National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System ( Since the website is in Chinese, you need to enter the legal Chinese name of the Chinese company in the search box, then click “Search”. See image below:

If you find the company, you will know its status, such as existing, revoked, or deregistered. See image below:

[Insert Image]

If you cannot find the company here, it may be because the company does not exist, or the current legal name is not what you typed. In short, it means the company under this name does not actually exist.

  • Provincial/municipal industry and commerce authorities in China
  1. 2.Directly inquire with the relevant government authorities overseeing this, such as the Administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC) or State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR)
  2. 3.Use verification services from private companies that provide company search and verification services in China, such as Qiyekubao, QCC, etc. (may have fees)
  3. 4.For the CTD 101 Series, if it is a product imported from China, you can ask the exporter/supplier for the manufacturer’s company registration number.

Therefore, having a valid China Registration Number will be crucial evidence to verify a company’s status and operations in China.

For further information on establishing a company in China and verifying registration numbers, if you find the process too challenging, you can trust us to handle it for you. Please contact us at Intelligence Business (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

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