What is the registration for producers of imported food under Decree 248?

What is the registration for producers of imported food under Decree 248?

What is the registration for producers of imported food under Decree 248?

The General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) has issued regulations on the registration of overseas producers of imported food, or Decree 248. It requires that producers, processors, and storage facilities that produce food exported to China (excluding food additive products and food-related products such as food containers, detergents/disinfectants used for food, as well as equipment or tools used in production) must register as a producer before being able to export to China. This has been in effect since January 1, 2022. These regulations replace the previous Decree 145 on the registration of overseas food producers from the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China, which previously specified that only certain high-risk products (meat, dairy products, aquatic products and edible bird’s nests) needed such registration.

Getting to Know “Decree 248” – The Regulations on Registration of Overseas Food Producers.

For business operators planning to import food from abroad to sell in Thailand, it is necessary to thoroughly understand “Decree 248” or the Regulations on Registration of Overseas Food Producers. This is an important law that establishes the framework and criteria for controlling the import of food from other countries in order to protect Thai consumers.

What is the registration for producers of imported food under Decree 248?

What is the registration for producers of imported food under Decree 248?

Main Responsibilities of Decree 248:

  • Establish criteria, methods, and procedures for registering imported food producers.
  • Control and inspect safety standards of imported foods.
  • Supervise the entire supply chain from production sources, manufacturing processes, to importation.
  • Protect the health and safety of Thai consumers.

Products Covered by Decree 248:

  • Covers the import of all types of food, whether fresh, processed, or canned.
  • Food additives, flavorings, food ingredients.
  • Food containers and food contact materials.
  • Dietary supplements, beverages, vegetable oils, and food-related products.

Benefits for Businesses and Consumers:

  1. Protects consumers by ensuring imported foods are safe and meet quality standards.
  2. Enables close monitoring of sources and quality control of imported foods.
  3. Promotes legitimate international trade with proper legal oversight.
  4. Builds consumer confidence that imported foods are safe.

The registration of imported food producers under Decree 248 is a crucial mechanism for maintaining standards and safety of imported foods, as well as building consumer confidence in Thailand. Businesses must give this serious attention and comply strictly. This helps protect Thai consumers while facilitating properly regulated international food trade.

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